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The Risen Lord invites us to “go forth”

Dearest Sisters,


A few months ago, I was in Delhi. In my e-mail, one evening, I read a series of messages that ended more or less like this: “A warm greeting from New York; I remember you from Brazil; greetings to all from Congo; tomorrow I am leaving for Peru, we shall see when I am back from Ecuador … ”

An exchange of communications between superiors/and generals of the missionary Institutes visiting their missionaries, encouraging and exhorting sisters and confreres who work with passion and dedication, even in inaccessible and dangerous places, in solidarity with the populations whose hardships and dangers they share.

I needed a moment to make those greetings from different parts of the world resound in me, recognizing the “healthy and permanent dissatisfaction” of which Pope Francis speaks (GE 99); the need to proclaim Jesus Christ, not to be silent about it, to tell everyone that he knows us and loves us.

This is the greeting we can exchange in the Night of the passage from darkness to Light: to be able to announce the crucified and risen Christ; the man of pain and of hope; the life that conquers death; the fullness of our happiness.

With the resurrection of Jesus, death no longer has power over man and the world, but still there are too many signs of its dominion today. If during Easter Christ has eradicated the root of evil, he needs people who in every time and place help him to affirm his victory with his own weapons: the weapons of justice and truth, of mercy, of forgiveness and love.

This appeal is for us! the Risen Lord invites us to “go forth” to continue his mission.

I thank the generosity of the organisms to send, and for the availability of the sisters destined to depart.

These are the first destinations after the XI General Chapter and it is with great joy that at the beginning of our mandate we send eleven sisters symbolically, in memory of each general chapter celebrated from the beginning of the foundation of the Institute!

Ecco i nomi delle sorelle destinate:

Sr. Ilenia Catino from the Province of Italy to the Province of Bangladesh
Sr. Anna Marini from the Province of Italy to the Delegation of Guinea Bissau
Sr. Rosilla Velamparambil From the province of Vijayawada to the Delegation of Papua N. Guinea
Sr. Padmalatha Vemagiri From the province of Vijayawada to the Province of Italy
Sr. Jojamma Theppala From the province of Vijayawada to the Community of Algeria
Sr. Jessy Rymond from the Province of Hyderabad to the mission of Tunisia
Sr. Dency Kuriakose from the Province of Hyderabad to the Province of Italy
Sr. Paulina Mondol from the Province of Bangladesh to the Province of South Brazil
Sr. Beatrice Tchi Ignabe from the Province of Cameroun to the Province of North Brazil
Sr. Senia Musna Malu from the Delegation of Guinea Bissau to the Community of Algeria
Sr. Anju Joseph Panthiruparayil from the Delegation of Delhi to the Delegation of Papua N. Guinea

I would like also to bring to your attention that the destination of Sr. Rekha Garwal to the mission of Algeria is being changed.

Sr. Rekha Garwal from the Province of Hyderabad to the mission of Tunisia

The Easter of the Lord Jesus that we celebrate today fill these sisters with courage and hope and give us all the audacity to run without delay to announce to the whole world: “Truly the Lord is risen!”

Happy Easter!

Yours, with affection
sr. Antonella Tovaglieri
superior general


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