142 giovani laureati in Guinea Bissau

Guinea Bissau is an apparently fragile nation, especially from an educational point of view.

According to the latest data reported by the Guineense SOCIOLOGIST Tamilton Teixeira (28.06.2024) the level of literacy and academic preparation of the former Lusophone colony correspond to the indices declared by the nations currently in a state of war or in which an ethnic conflict is underway (South Sudan, Afganistan, Central African Republic, etc,)

In Guinea we find ourselves faced with a real crisis in the educational sector, which reflects the precariousness of a Republic in which the rulers do not seem at all concerned about investing in the preparation of their people. We have always known, as history teaches, that ignorance is a wepon to silence the masses, because every development is the educational field brings with it a Revolution policy not very favorable to many heads of state. Yet, faced with this situation, hope does not die and the Guinean people never give up, investing sacrifically in their academic preparation.

Evidence of this search for knowledge and a certain culture is the example of a group of 142 students who graduated in pedagogy and School Administration at the INPAE Institute (acronym which stands for Institute of Pedagogy and School Administration) on 28 June 2024, in the capital of Bissau, with a ceremony held at Hotel Hala, in the presence of academic authorities, special envoys (god father and god mother of the event: the Guinean Sociologist Dr. Tamiltan Teixeira and the RTP Africa television journalist Dr. Fatima Tchuma Camara) and the closest family members.

The result achieved by the 142 graduates reflects the effort of 3 years of sacrifices, between the lessons and exams held over the weekend in the open center in the town of Bissora (small urban center located 80 Km from Bissau, the capital) and in the summer months of July and August in Bissau. For these students, the majority of whom are school inspectors, directors and professors, it is a great achievement, considering the fact that among the first group of Finalists, a large group of Directors and Professors stood out for their excellent performance a large group of Directors and Professors of the self-management by the Missionaries of the Immaculate – PIME since the 1990s.

142 giovani laureati in Guinea Bissau The graduation ceremony, which I had the opportunity to participate is as Coordinator of the schools of Bissora`- a sign of friendship and esteem that bind me to my work colleagues in the scholastic field – it was a very emotional moment. First of all because it marked a unique milestone in the lives of many professors and directors, who have collaborated with us missionaries for years with great professionalism and dedication.

Secondly because it was an opportunity to listen – through the intervention of special guests and the Chancellor of the Higher Education Schoola detailed analysis of the current political and educational situtation in the country, written by highly trained people, who launched the invitation to the First Gruop of INPAE Finalists to work daily in the school world in order to be a sign of peace of change and development for the nation itself.

The most cited Professor at the graduation ceremony was the great Brazilian pedagogist Paulo Freire, who for this vocation for teaching, for the innovative pedagogical method outlined and for the countless books written is still recognised today as a GIANT in the educational and pedagogical field.

The relevance of his thoughts ad his love for the Guinean land (see the text “Letter from Guinea Bissau”, published in 1979) still make him a credible witness of the educatinal sector in our small Republic, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, as well as throughout the world.

My best wishes to my newly graduated friends, colleagues and collaborators are inspired by the words of this great educator: “No one educates anyone, no one educates themselves alone, men educate themselves TOGETHER, with the mediation of the world”.

 Together, in the sense of an entire community that educates and educates each other, with an eye open to the challenges of the country and the world. This is truely the wish that I address to our new graduates, because TOGETHER we can continue to educate ourselves and educate the students entrusted to us in our schools every day. 

Sr. Anna Marini, Guinea Bissau.


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