Sunday for the Mission in Don Bosco shrine, Siliguri was animated by the sisters and formees of Vimala Niketan and Jyothi Niwas. With zeal and enthusiasm we took part to the Holy Eucharist in both English and Hindi.

With a short introduction we enlightened the people about the importance of the Sunday for the Mission. Sisters, formees, lay people and our infant missionaries came towards the altar with flags representing the different continents: we prayed that the work of evangelisation may be carried out through the missionaries who work in the missions; then we explained  the continents colours and its importance.

At the end of the mass our candidates presented an action song about mission and about our congregation. And the infant missionaries and formees enacted about Blessed John Mazzucconi. We gave a message telling the need to pray in the month of October for the missions and missionaries who shed their blood for the evangelization; we also stressed the importance to pray for the vocations. Outside the church we displayed the importance of missions and the life of PIME martyrs.


This year the Sunday for Mission celebration was extended to the neighbouring diocese of Bagdogara at the invitation of Bishop Vincent Aind. We willingly accepted this invitation and in collaboration with PIME brothers we animated the liturgy in the Cathedral at Bagdogara.

The Holy Mass started with the procession Bro. Anil PIME carrying the missionary cross which was received by the Bishop at the altar: he placed it in a prominent place by side of the altar where the colours of the five continents were displayed around the globe.

There was a symbolic offertory procession carrying different articles which a missionary takes along with him/her when she he goes around the villages: the Bible, missionary cross, light, bag and host and wine. Then the leaders of every village were given a cross by the bishop and a mission to pray for during the year.


Siliguri Province, India





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