Below is the letter from Sr. Antonella Tovaglieri, Congregation Leader, in view of the Solemnity of Pentecost 2023.

Dear Sisters,

This year I have the pleasure of writing the Pentecost circular from the beloved Amazonia – as Pope Francis delicately defined it – where, together with Sr. Marilena Boracchi, I am making the Canonical Visit to the communities of the Province of North Brazil.
The natural splendors of this land naturally lead to admire and appreciate the gifts that
the Creator bestows upon us; sharing life with the sisters enriches our fraternity and welcoming people puts so much joy in the heart. However, what captures my gaze and my attention most is the way in which the people of the Amazon understand life: a community journey where tasks and responsibilities are divided and shared based on common good. This encourages me and confirms the urgency of inviting everyone to celebrate the solemnity of Pentecost this year, as the feast of God’s primacy over our personal plans because Pentecost is the feast of unity.
The narration of Pentecost in the Acts of the Apostles has as its background the ancient story of the construction of the Tower of Babel, the description of a kingdom in which men concentrate so much on personal strength, thinking that they are so strong and able to build by themselves a road that leads to heaven. Something peculiar happens in this situation.
While the men are working together to build the tower, they suddenly realize that they have lost a fundamental element: the ability to agree, to understand each other and to work together. By contrast, on that morning, fifty days after Easter, an impetuous wind blows over Jerusalem and the flame of the Holy Spirit descends upon the gathered disciples, rests on each one and kindles in them a fire of love capable of transforming and creating unity, accord, harmony of diversities.
Filled with the same gifts of the Spirit, the sisters sent ad extra today are the expression of Christian communities and missionary realities. They do not thirst for ambition, not closed to keep the little they have, not too obsessed with emergencies and the need to make their own works and activities. Nevertheless, they are able to broaden their gaze with courage, becoming capable of perceiving a greater good: the value of leaving one’s own country to share the richness of the diversity between cultures, ready for challenges and mutual transformation (C 69).
With joy and gratitude, I announce the names of the sisters chosen to be sent:

Sr. Saritha Priya Moras from the province of Vijayawada to the province of Papua New Guinea
Sr. Judith Priya Nithiya from the province of Hyderabad to the province of Camerun
Sr. Happy Martha Rozario from the province of Bangladesh to the province of Italy
Sr. Martha Salom from the province of Papua New Guinea to the delegation of Algeria-Tunisia

We continue to hope that the number of sisters who can enjoy the departure ad extra will increase in the coming years and for this, we commit ourselves with prayer and joyful witness of our vocation. At the same time, may the Holy Spirit who is being given to us abundantly on this solemnity of Pentecost, give us the courage to respond TOGETHER to the challenges and priorities of the mission and of our Institute. Through a dynamic of listening to the Spirit and to others, may we understand and fulfill what pleases the Lord for the advent of the Kingdom.

Happy Missionary Feast!

Sr. Antonella Tovaglieri
Congregation Leader


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