The launch of the 5th National Missionary Congress is a cause of joy for all. It will help us to reflect on the mission of the local Church responsible for the mission Ad Gentes. We do not see it, but the Congress is being built together, in synodality despite being a one-off event.

There will be a series of events that will gradually lead the leaders to the month of November when the event will be held. At the end of March there was the official launch, shortly after, in Brasilia, a missiological seminar was organized which helped to deepen the topics addressed in the Congress. The journey towards the event will continue in the regional areas, where the pre-congress will take place.

The Congress is also part of a broader dimension, that is, it wants to prepare Brazil to participate in the 6th American Congress which will take place in Puerto Rico next year. The choice of Manaus was made to overcome the vision of the colonial mission which often still exists.

The place chosen must help us to understand that we are all protagonists of the mission: we are all evangelizers and we all need to be evangelized. This choice of place means affirming that Manaus is not only a place of mission, where the needs are many, but it will also be a school of mission for everyone. The underlying desire is to learn from each other.


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