The theme of the novena for Immaculate Feast 2017 is “Mary, the
Prophetess, bearer of the Good News to the Peripheries”.
Various references in relation to âMaryâs prophetic role at the Annunciation of Angel that which she continues through her Apparitions in our timesâ are chosen for our reflection, sharing and prayer.
let us journey with Mary who played her prophetic role all through her life. She continues to journey with the pilgrim Church amid trials, temptations and challenges.
Each day of the Novena has a theme based on the prophetic role of Mary at a particular moment of her life. Each day according to the theme, some symbols are proposed and they are to be presented with the intentions to pray for. Appropriate readings are chosen from the Scripture, teachings of the Church, writings of our Founders and reflections of the Holy Father Pope Francis. After presenting a suitable life situation, personal reflection, sharing, spontaneous prayers and concluding prayer, a Hymn to Mary will follow.