Returning to mission after nine years of service in one’s home province is no small feat. Sr. Maria do Carmo leaves for Guinea-Bissau with renewed enthusiasm.
On July 16, 2023, sr. Maria do Carmo Farias was sent by the Church of Manaus, in the Parish of Nossa Senhora of NazarĂŠ, to the Church of Guinea-Bissau. A simple but well-attended celebration during which Father Daniele Curnis, father of PIME and parish priest, handed over the crucifix and the Word of God. A restart of course, but the emotion is the same. Starting afresh is not easy, especially when you are no longer young and after 9 years of service to the Province of North Brazil, but missionary passion is a fire that never ceases to burn and keeps alive in us the desire to make Pope Francis’ constant invitation concrete: to be a Church that goes out, which wishes to be a poor church among the poor. A very significant date was chosen for the celebration for sr. Maria do Carmo because July 16 is the day on which Our Lady of Mount Carmel is celebrated, patroness of the Diocese of Parintins, her diocese of origin. The Sunday Gospel was that of the Sower who goes out to sow, an icon of our being missionaries: Jesus, the first and great apostle of the Father, Sower and seed.
Greetings sr. Maria do Carmo, Maria accompanies you on your journey through the streets of Guinea-Bissau and may the Spirit inspire your words and keep alive in you the passion for God and for humanity!
Sr. Rosanna Marchetti, North Brazil