We make sure that, like a seed, it germinates and bears fruit in us and, thanks to its profound unity with the Eucharist, transforms us into Christ, Bread for the life of all.
M. Igilda
We make sure that, like a seed, it germinates and bears fruit in us and, thanks to its profound unity with the Eucharist, transforms us into Christ, Bread for the life of all.
M. Igilda
I have repeatedly offered myself to Jesus for all that he wants of me. I feel a great desire for holiness, and I have a clear un-derstanding of my own nothingness
It is necessary to wake up and establish the missionary feeling in the souls, then the world will change, and each Christian will be an apostle in his turn!
It is necessary to sanctify ourselves; the farther we go on the way of holiness, the greater will be the good we will be able to do among our brothers, even only by example and prayer.
Father, it is better to suffer like this; it is better to be consumed slowly, insensibly by this great missionary longing rather than enjoy a relative tranquillity, without this fire which never ceases to burn.
May Baby Jesus bring to your heart the true light and the peace which the mouth of the angels announced to the people of good will. M. G. Dones
We are missionaries and as such must be ready for anything to contribute to the salvation of souls and the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth.
We have truly to wait âwith the lamp filled with oil and shiningâ, because, when we are not expecting it, our Lord will come to lead us to work in His Vineyard.
I trust in you, my God, make my life a small instrument in your hands for the salvation of souls.
Š2025 Missionarie dell'Immacolata PIME