Father, it is better to suffer like this; it is better to be consumed slowly, insensibly by this great missionary longing rather than enjoy a relative tranquillity, without this fire which never ceases to burn.
M. Igilda
Father, it is better to suffer like this; it is better to be consumed slowly, insensibly by this great missionary longing rather than enjoy a relative tranquillity, without this fire which never ceases to burn.
M. Igilda
The Lord chooses whom He wants for His Works. He does not need either our talents or our external gifts. Rather, He chooses most unsuitable persons to show that it is He who works, and makes those very works flourish. M. G. Dones
Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, that is the secret of our perseverance in our vocation. He gave Himself, He gives Himself to the missionary wherever he goes, wherever he is, so as not to leave him alone and without comfort He shares his poverty, his loneliness... He gave Himself to the Missionary without reserve, for ever and without repentance to perform sublime works of redemption and sanctificatio...
To live a simple, unpretentious life, happy to be who we are.
It is necessary to sanctify ourselves; the farther we go on the way of holiness, the greater will be the good we will be able to do among our brothers, even only by example and prayer.
I have repeatedly offered myself to Jesus for all that he wants of me. I feel a great desire for holiness, and I have a clear un-derstanding of my own nothingness
I wish … I could be a worthy apostle of my Lord. M. Igilda
I tried to sacrifice every desire of mine, any little satisfaction, in order to keep company with the missionaries in the hardships of their apostolic life. To suffer for them, to suffer with them. M. Igilda
God is everything and everything is in His hands. If He wants, He will open the way, He will remove all difficulties, or better, He will give us the strength to face them without retreating.
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