Let us not let the opportunity pass to perform acts of humility, simplicity, gentleness and sisterly charity.
M. G. Dones
Let us not let the opportunity pass to perform acts of humility, simplicity, gentleness and sisterly charity.
M. G. Dones
The tiny seed was humbly sown and the grace of God made it fruitful.
Let us keep always in our mind the vision of this great Opera that we, so small and unworthy, are waiting for and let us work in such a way that the waiting may help us to become more and more holy.
Mary will be our sure guide to God, to be able to live our consecration always better for the mission.
Holiness is not a privilege of a few people, but a duty for all men of good will. I have decided to start living. M. Igilda
We make sure that, like a seed, it germinates and bears fruit in us and, thanks to its profound unity with the Eucharist, transforms us into Christ, Bread for the life of all.
I have found near the Tabernacle the strength I needed. I felt in prayer and surrender to God a new impulse, a deep desire for not leaving a stone unturned.
To live a simple, unpretentious life, happy to be who we are.
I wish … I could be a worthy apostle of my Lord. M. Igilda
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