Two seminars were conducted this year at Nirmala Evangelization center,  Tanuku for all the Lay Associates of the Vijayawada province to reflect on the Year of the Family choosing the theme, Holy Bible and Family. The first seminar was held on 26th – 27th of August 2017  and the second seminar on 27th October 2017. These seminars focused on how to live the Word of God effectively to inspire others, giving good example, especially giving witness to the Gospel values as Christian families. Reflections and guidelines were drawn from the Bible on family life,  how to bring up children in the fear of God, how to build the house of God and to build one’s own house.

After the seminar, one of the Lay Associates shared her experience as follows.

I realized that I have a lot of talents buried deep within me which I need to utilize for the greater glory of God. Eph 1:4 touched me that God called me even before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless. I think this seminar is arranged just for me. I learned what my responsibility towards my family that is duty towards children, husband and in-laws. Eph. 5:16 very strongly speaks to me there is no time to waste, ”I must preach the Gospel in season and out of season, seizing every possible chance.” I was always getting irritated with children. Today I learned how to take care of them in love and through prayer. My soul is strengthened through the Word of God. I would have missed a lot of blessings; you dug around the tree of our soul and nurtured with the manure of the Word of God. I was so weak with my family burdens when I came here; but I am strengthened and learned how to find happiness in my family life.

The participants were in renewed in mind and Spirit to live a meaningful family life and to be committed to spiritual and moral values in their daily life.

Sr. Carmel Yettukuri (Vijayawada Province)


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