sr. Iara da Silva Vieira – North Brazil Province, Italy
1947, Milan: sr. Albina, in front, producing cards for the benefactors; the sisters behind are packing the magazines to be dispatched for missionary animation. The parcels of magazines were delivered from PIME house to our community in Via Masaccio: here they were brought up and down the third floor (without a lift at that time!) were the offices were situated (at the first floor Mr. Villa was sti...
At 7 am on November 15, 1953, the first three missionaries arrived in then Pakistan, now Bangladesh, to open a new missionary presence.
Praised be Jesus Christ, the Apostle of the Father! With great joy, we the MSI of Hyderabad Province, rejoice at the Perpetual Profession of Sr. Jancy Dayana Vincent. The holy sacrifice of Mass was officiated by Rev. Fr. Swarna Bernard, the Vicar General of the Arch dioceses of Hyderabad, on 10 April, at Nirmala House Secunderabad, at 10.30 am. The theme chosen was, “Totally and Only to Christ,...
2nd December 1988: sr. Silvana Lobo and Sr. Elizabeth Manimalakunnel arrive in Wataluma,
Grazie alla Caritas di Lodi, eccoci in collegamento dal Camerun Sr. Daniela Migotto Missionaria dell’Immacolata, dal Mozambico Elena Gaboardi, Padre Antonio Bonato e Gloria Agazzi, ragazza di Giovani e Missione ora laica fidei donum. Questo sarà il primo di una serie di tre incontri con i missionari lodigiani nel mondo per riflettere su cosa è accaduto nel resto del mondo mentre noi eravam...
Milan, early 1960es. Waiting for the departure towards their missions, some sisters are sowing and embroidering for the vestments or in order to earn something to help the financial situation of the house. Other sisters are doing sing practice for the liturgy. &nbs...
An anti-violence demonstration was organized by all Religious Institutes resident in Bombana, Port Moresby when Fr. Fabian OFM was killed near Xaviers Institute
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