sr. Iara da Silva Vieira – North Brazil Province, Italy
sr. Angela Casati, missionary in Guinea Bissau, tells us something about her encounter with Mrs Danfa, the first Christian of the village of Blassar, 8 km from Bissorà.
Sr. Bertilla about this photo: "The joy of being with the children - who are fragile, innocent, peace loving and peace makers. As a young missionary, amidst the children, in VIMALA MUMBAI, I began to soar high in the sky, for my enthusiasm and love for mission in INDIA had no bounds. Amidst them I learnt to be happy always and to spread smile".
Tv2000 dedicates the episode of the Diary of Pope Francis of 21 May 2020 to the Corona Virus Emergency in the Amazon. Present among the guests sr. Laura Valtorta, Missionary of the Immaculate – PIME, who connects directly from Peru, where she is staying for an itinerant evangelization initiative. Speaking with her are: Lucia Capuzzi, Avvenire journalist, father Angelo Plodari, Scalabrinian M...
The first four MSI landed in Brazil on 10 July 1954. Some thoughts taken from the diary tell the moments of departure and arrival.
Visit of Dom Pedro Zilli, Bishop of the Diocese of Bafatà, to our satellite community of Cafal. It is now closed and is entrusted to the care of the Oblate Fathers.
On 15 August 2020 in the Provincial House of Dhaka – Mirpur, in the presence of Bishop Emeritus mons. Theotonius Gomes, the novice Provati Mardi made her First Profession, thus beginning her journey as Missionary Sister of the Immaculate.
A young Sister, Sr. Giuseppina Ciserani, on her way to Hong Kong, passes through India in 1969.
On 28 October 2021, in the presence of the Province Leaders of the four Indian Organisms and Sr. Rekha Garwal, a missionary from Tunisia, the five postulants: Sophia Yanao Shimra Veronica Katara Chinnari Deepika Karumanchi Celcy Rose Johnson and Katta Prasanna were initiated to novitiate, in the common Novitiate house of the Indian Organisms at Siliguri. At the very outset, Sr. Jacintha Xavier, th...
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