(Milan, 15 September 2024) – The 93rd Missionary Congress was held today at the PIME Centre. The heart of the day was the Eucharistic celebration with the handing over of the Crucifix to the departing missionaries. Among them, three Missionaries of the Immaculate also received the missionary mandate:

    • Sr. Namitha Luis, from the province of Hyderabad (India) is destined for the new inter-congregational community in Indinesia
    • Sr. Martha Shalom, from the province of Papua New Guinea is destined for the Algeria-Tunisia delegation
    • Sr. Francesca Centorame from the Province of Italy is destined for the Province of Cameroon

The theme of the day is the campaign ‘Bangladesh24 – Sewing Stories. Weaving relationships’ aimed at promoting initiatives that offer shelter, education, health care and technical and vocational training to young people and women living in a context of unregulated industrialisation that generates millions of new poor.

Among the attractions of the day were animations for young people, workshops for children, exhibitions and free visits to the museum Popoli e Culture and the inauguration of the new theatre year of the Accademia Senza Frontiere.


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