Here the video of the Perpetual Profession and missionary mandate:
As customary the Indian Provincial teams organized a yearlong programme in preparation for Perpetual Vows. Sisters in their seventh and eighth year of juniorate were informed to participate. Competent institutes were chosen, where the programs, courses and community living could foster discernment and right motivation. This year (June 2022-April 2023) 12 sisters from four Organisms of India participated in it. Four sisters from Vijayawada attended a six-month course on deep silence and contemplation in prayer in Kerala followed by a two-month course on Ignatian spirituality in Bangalore. While the sisters from Hyderabad, Siliguri and Delhi went to a nine-month course in spirituality in holistic formation at Mysore. Thereafter, participated for a month an intensive preparation on the study of our revised Constitutions at Nirmala Niketan-Vijayawada.
Insights: It is a special time of grace for us juniors to participate in the Preparatory Course for Perpetual Profession (PCPP). A time to sit, to contemplate, to count, to reflect, to rise and to arrive at a new decision that would change our entire life to come. The PCPP that we were blessed to attend for a year could be summed up by us in the words of St. Paul, âFan into flame the gift of God.â (2 Tim 1:6).  An image that scrolls in our mind is that of a camp fire. In a camp, on the first day we walk around the surrounding and gather the dry twigs, branches and logs to be laid down to make a fire. Then we light a match and set the kindling fire. The flames spread, and eventually we find ourselves surrounded by the warmth of the fire in the cold night air. Later on, we awaken and notice that the fire is no longer burning, but the live embers do exist. We realize that we need to just get close to the embers, blow and keep fanning until they are once again set on fire. Adding dry branches and the logs once again enkindles the roaring fire.
After having lived for seven to eight years in our MSI family, we all realized for sure that the spark of our first calling (embers) was dwindling due to various situations we were placed and we faced. Some of us felt we were no longer âburningâ our need was not to relight but to get close to the embers to blow, to fan, to add branches, twigs or logs and to make a fire that would enable us to pronounce for an entire lifetime our Yes to the Lord.
Different courses, seminars, talks, study hours, in different institutions, amidst different religious people, hailing from varied cultures, with different age group and mentalities, jovial celebrations and lively recreations were like walking around the surrounding and gathering the twigs, branches and logs for the camp fire. The moments of prayer, community living, deep interior silence, reflections, enabled us to light the fire that was extinguishing. The fire with its warmth paved a path to arrive at the juncture of discernment, where we sat with our self, considered every experience and future challenge and made a final decision for life. A yearlong PCPP empowered us to enkindle that fire and request the Congregation Leader to allow us to make Perpetual Profession into our exclusively Missionary family.
Friends! To keep the flame burning, we do need your spiritual support and assistance. Do keep us in your valuable prayers that on and off we may get down close to the live embers and keep blowing, fanning, adding twigs and logs to keep the fire burning.
Would be Perpetually Professed Sisters-India