
Solemnity of Pentecost, 2024

Dear Sisters,

Today, the solemnity of Pentecost, we celebrate the mission that Jesus left to the apostles; with Him from the beginning and endowed by the Spirit, they were stimulated to go forth, becoming bearers of the message of joy, forgiveness, peace and love.
Like them, we too, in the wake of those who preceded us in the missionary realities in which we are present today, participate in his same mission, motivated by that terrible illness of proclaiming the Gospel.
I believe I have never left a country or completed a visit without having knocked at the Father’s door to ask him that question which disturbed Giuseppina Rodolfi’s soul so much: “Oh, Lord, how great is the Harvest! And where are the laborers?”
Desiring to have many young people who welcome the invitation to follow the Lord Jesus in our missionary family is an indication of the sensitivity of our soul and an expression of the love we have for our vocation. However, faith also shows us a less calculating logic: our God is the one who pulls down the powerful and raises the humble, who sees in those two coins dropped by the poor widow, the unconditional giving of everything; in the five loaves and two fishes of a little boy, the little that is sufficient; in the wasting of the oil poured on the head of Jesus by a woman, the superabundance of gratuitousness, and in the listening of Mary, at the feet of the Master, the ability to recognize Christ as the only one necessary.
The harvest demands many laborers, but specifically it asks us to be women who are happy to give everything for the mission, willing to launch into the void of self-gift, without calculations and measures, living the commandment of love starting from our fraternity. We are not naive; the hardships, fears and challenges remain, yet the Father loves us and never tires of calling us to continue the mission.
Pleased with this trust in us, we continue to send sisters for the evangelizing mission of the Church:

Sr. Francesca Centorame from the province of Italy to the province of Cameroon-Chad
Sr. Sanjukta Digal from the province of Vijayawada to the province of Bangladesh
Sr. Namitha Louis
from the province of Hyderabad to Indonesia (Project of Pime
Sr. Komola Rita Corraya from the province of Bangladesh ato the delegation of Hong Kong-China
Sr. Adelane de Sousa
from the province of North
to the province of Papua New
Sr. Mesodia Karen from the province of Papua
New Guinea
to the delegation of Hong Kong-China

To you who have received the beautiful gift of the destination I wish all the best, making my own the words of Blessed Paolo Manna to his departing young missionaries:
“Let these five words therefore be your rule: everything, always, only for God. In letting you go, my dear young people, I don’t know what I wouldn’t want to tell you so that you can always be happy, so that you can become great missionaries, so that your hard work might be abundantly blessed by God. … Well, it seems to me that a good way for you to be happy and contented always is precisely this that I suggest to you, to want to do everything, always, only
for God”.

On this Solemnity of Pentecost, may the Holy Spirit reinvigorate our missionary faith and make us witnesses of hope!

With fraternal affection,

Sr. Antonella Tovaglieri
Congregation Leader


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