World day for consecrated life is celebrated on 2nd February, on the feast of the presentation of the Lord Jesus to help the entire Church to appreciate and value ever more greatly the witness of consecrated persons who have chosen to follow Christ by means of the practice of the evangelical counsels and, at the same time, it is a suitable occasion for consecrated persons to renew their commitment and rekindle the fervor which should inspire their offering of themselves to the Lord.
All the Religious in Hong Kong gathered together at the St. Paulâs Chapel, Causaway bay, to celebrate the day of consecrated persons. During our celebration, the bishop and all the priest celebrants  along with all the major superiors of Men and Women congregations carried the lighted candles symbolizing Christ the light of the world and marched to the alter in procession. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.
During the Mass three sisters on behalf of all religious presented the renewal of the vows through symbolic offering. Indeed this practice is a profound and holy one as it gave opportunity for us to renew our total dedication to the Lord. It is also a constant reminder for us to continue to shine as bright lights and be fidelity to the will of God, as well as a proof of the church’s holiness in our world. It was also a good opportunity to encounter other Religious of HK diocese.
Sr. Sophia Rani, Hong Kong