The XI General Chapter started on 8 September, on the feast of the Navìtivity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with the solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Ferruccio Brambillasca, Superior General of PIME. The Chapter members reached the Ad Gentes Centre in Nemi a few days before, on 4 September and started with some preparatory activities: group dynamics to come to know each other, the presentation of the Revised Constitutions and a day of prayer guided by Fr. David Glenday, a combonian missionary.

In her opening message, sr. Rosilla Velamparambil, present Superior General of Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate, invited every Chapter member to live this important event in spirit of communion: “We, each one and together are the Chapter members of the whole Institute, the group of sisters who have the responsibility to give orientations for the life and mission of the Institute for the coming six years. Thus, we need to go beyond the horizons of our own organisms and develop the sense of the whole.”

During the informative session there was a presentation about the journey of the Institute, of the Provinces and Delegations.

The session of study started with the text of the Revised Constitutions. One of the greatest responsibilities of the XI General Chapter, infact, is the receiving of the new text of Constitutions. There was also a break from the intense study on 13 and 14 evenings. The first had been the sharing of the General Direction of PIME on the journey they had made and the challenges they will be discussing during the next General Chapter in april 2019. The second had been the presentation by sr. Conceição Nascimento da Silva, Missionary of Consolata, regarding the course completed by their Congregation with the lay associates who share their charism.

The study of the revised Constitutions was concluded on 15 september. After a pleasant visit to Tuscania, an etruscan city near Viterbo, on 17 we started the work on the proposals for the next six years.


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