Acts of POM’s assembly written by Sr. Annamaria Fornasiero, MSl in Brasil
On 20th of November2018 with lots of gratitude to the Lord the Pontifical Missionary Works (POM) celebrated its 40 years of foundation for the synodal journey and communion until now.
The POM was established on the 20th of November 1978, at San Paolo city in Brazil. Thanks to the provincial superiors of the Missionary Congregations in Brazil: Missionaries of the Consolata, Comboni Missionaries, Missionaries of the Divine Word, Saverian Missionaries, Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate and PIME (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions).
Before its juridical foundation at the national level the POM already worked through the Pontifical Works of Propaganda Fide and through the Missionary Infants and Adolescents.The planning, to form and to motivate the Missionary Movement of the Brazilian Church is one among its many activities.
The POM’s journey is about the synod and of profound communion in connection with all the existing forces of the local Churches and missionary councils in different areas such as: COMIREs (Regional Missionary Council), COMIDI (Diocesan Missionary Council) and COMIPA (Parish Missionary Council).
Together with the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples the Pontifical Works are re-qualifying the effort of gathering and distributing material help in the light of the mission and formation of the conscience and working for the missionary responsibility to be an integral part of the daily life of the whole God’s People. The special missionary month will be in October 2019 and it will be a privileged opportunity to achieve this goal.
Some of the activities proposed by the POM in preparation for the special missionary month at the National, Regional and Local level, are to provide a solemn opening for the formation, seminars and missionary courses, and to give greater emphasis for the missionary days, prayer vigils, novenas, meetings in the Sanctuary of Mother Mary of Aparecida. Here you find all the proposals..
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