If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.
Presentation of the new site
A New Beginning: Sr. Elsie’s first steps in Bangladesh
, Missionary life
Sr. Elsie describes her journey as a missionary in Bangladesh. Sharing her experiences in education, community service, and the new mission building.
Towards the Synod for Amazonia
, Missionary life, Reflections, North Brazil
When we arrived at the beginning in these triple frontiers of Tabatinga we had the possibility to attend a meeting encouraged by the CLAR (Caribenha Latin-America Conference) e the REPAM (Ecclesial network Pan – Amazonia). It took place here in Tabatinga from the 20th to 24th April..
A city with many behind bars
, Evangelization, Missionary life
Prison visiting is a pastoral service in our diocese. There are over 30 small and big prisons in Hong Kong. In fact there are 16 different parish associations besides the other religious denominations and NGO groups that visit the different prisons in Hong Kong on regular basis. In many of the prisons you can find people from all over the world, majority of them are imprisoned for drug trafficking...
World Mission Day in Siliguri, India!
, Evangelization, Missionary life, India
Sunday for the Mission in Don Bosco shrine, Siliguri and in the neighbouring diocese of Bagdogara. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate animated different parishes, in order to pray for the missions and missionaries who shed their blood for the evangelization.
The missionary challenges in America
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Reflections, Brazil, New challenges
Sr. Regina, MdI in Brasile, riflette sulle sfide missionarie in America Latina a partire dal Congresso Missionario Americano (CAM) tenutosi in Bolivia nel luglio 2018.
Voices from the days of Nepi
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life
The General Administrations of the Italian Missionary Institutes Nepi, August 5-12, 2018
A “glimpse” on the visit of Sr. Rosilla and Sr. Antonella in Myanmar
, Missionary life, General Direction
Next year occurs the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first PIME missionaries in Myanmar and the 90thanniversary of the visit of the blessed Paolo Manna, as superior general to these lands from (18th February to 21st April 1928).
The battle of the powerless against powerful
, Missionary life, Reflections, Fraternity, India
Pope Francis’ latest Encyclical ‘Fratelli tutti’ on Fraternity and Social friendship calls for more human fraternity and solidarity. It focuses on contemporary social and economic problems, and proposes an ideal world of fraternity in which all countries can be part of a “larger human family”. In to the contemporary world which furnishes more priority to technology and developmen...