If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.
Presentation of the new site
Consecration to San Francis of the Synod for the Amazonia
, Missionary life, Brazil
The Pope plants a tree in the Vatican: Synod consecrated to St. Francis. Sr. Laura Valtorta, Missionary Sister of the Immaculate in Amazonia, takes part of the celebration on behalf of the equipe itinerante in which she collaborate.
Waiting for Pope in Bangladesh
, Missionary life, Bangladesh
The arrival of Pope Francis in Bangladesh is now almost near and our country will have a very significant moment from 30th November to 2nd December. The preparations seemed at full stretch with enthusiasm when the news was made official. The whole Christian community is waiting for the success of this event. As the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate were asked to collaborate in the preparations ...
Memories from the Golden Jubilee, College Paul VI
, Evangelization, Missionary life, Hong Kong, MSI Lay Associates
Pope Paul VI College (Hong Kong) has just celebrated its Golden Jubilee. This milestone anniversary was a testimony to the missionary service of the PIME Sisters who have left their footprints on the school’s half-century journey.
Christian Presence in the University: Identity, Plurality and Dialogue
, Evangelization, Missionary life, Brazil
In January 2016, I was asked to accompany the Aeropago Project, started by Fr. Francesco Sorrentino PIME, in 2014, which is the part of the initiatives of the new born Pastoral University of the diocese of Macapá, in the State of Amapa in Brazil.
Missionary Life
, Evangelization, Missionary life
The golden Jubilee celebration of our MSI presence, on 2nd December, in Hong Kong is a special moment. In preparation for our Jubilee and as it is the year of youth we organized a missionary activity for the young people of parishes where we are working. We have chosen ‘Missionary Life’ as the theme for our animation to ignite young people with missionary spirit. First of all we showed a video...
Whatsoever you do to the least My People, You Do Unto Me…
, Evangelization, Missionary life, India
Torrential rain of the last phase of the monsoon had a raging fury over the people and places of North Eastern states and it hit the people of Bihar and West Bengal very badly.
Listening to Yamina in Pioltello, Italy
, Evangelization, Missionary life, Italy
The Lenten journey of this year in the city of Pioltello appears something unique but certainly, it is the suggestion given by our dear Pope Francis to make the Church alive.
Mission: a journey that changes your outlook – part four
, Missionary life
Some of the young people who left on mission this year wanted to share with us what has helped them to change their outlook towards acceptance, love, joy, poverty, sacrifice, vocation... and much more.