Let us make use of all possible means of prayer and sacrifices to win the divine Mercy and so see our great hopes realised.
M. Igilda
Let us make use of all possible means of prayer and sacrifices to win the divine Mercy and so see our great hopes realised.
M. Igilda
It is necessary to sanctify ourselves; the farther we go on the way of holiness, the greater will be the good we will be able to do among our brothers, even only by example and prayer.
Father, it is better to suffer like this; it is better to be consumed slowly, insensibly by this great missionary longing rather than enjoy a relative tranquillity, without this fire which never ceases to burn.
I have repeatedly offered myself to Jesus for all that he wants of me. I feel a great desire for holiness, and I have a clear un-derstanding of my own nothingness
If the missionary is a man of faith, how many graces can he then obtain for himself and for the souls entrusted to him, how many graces can he store up to bring his projects to a successful conclusion, to make his apostolic endeavours prosper!
Now we are twelve; this number reminds us of the twelve apostles and this must please Jesus. Didn’t he start with twelve fishermen? Well, we shall be the poor fisher women. M. Igilda
We make sure that, like a seed, it germinates and bears fruit in us and, thanks to its profound unity with the Eucharist, transforms us into Christ, Bread for the life of all.
The fervour of a missionary's life, his regular, knowledgeable, industrious, untiring activity, the unalterable joy of his life and his perseverance in his work, even in the midst of hardships, travails and difficulties, are always the result of a life of faith
The Lord chooses whom He wants for His Works. He does not need either our talents or our external gifts. Rather, He chooses most unsuitable persons to show that it is He who works, and makes those very works flourish. M. G. Dones
If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.
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