• Dispensary of Yaoundé: medical care given with love and professionality to the tuberculosis and all the patients. Requested the support for a x-ray machine.

  • Sister Seline Center: Holistic care for HIV/AIDS orphans and semi-orphans in India. Education, nutrition, medical care, psycho-social support and future for the most vulnerable children.

  • Project of the Association Don Gino Malvestio of Parintíns to combat violence against children and adolescents through various artistic expressions

  • We help people improve their health through health education and medical support for pregnant women, children and the elderly.

  • Awareness campaign to direct the disabled to the "Giuseppina Rodolfi" rehabilitation center in Djalingo, in northern Cameroon.

  • This social project aim to carry out health education programs in the villages of Kodbir and give medicine at lower prices to those who cannot afford it.

  • Dal 1986 siamo presenti sul territorio metropolitano di Khulna con un progetto per la lotta alla Lebbra. Dal 2001, col netto declinare dei casi di questa malattia, abbiamo iniziato ad occuparci di tubercolosi, una malattia ancora endemica in Bangladesh. La città di Khulna è la terza per importanza nel Paese. Si trova nel sud-ovest del Bangladesh. Ha una popolazione di circa 1 milione e mezzo di ...

  • Our school has nearly 250 students.  Gradually we are equipping the school with the required structures and materials for the education of the students. Last year we opened a small laboratory of science thanks to our donors.

  • Il progetto “Bibbia in mano e piedi in missione” sarà realizzato dalla Parrocchia San Paolo Apostolo della diocesi di Alto Solimões e vuole essere una opportunità di espressione concreta del discepolato missionario in terra amazzonica. Descrizione del progetto Donare mille Bibbie – versione della Conferenza dei Vescovi del Brasile – in seguito alla distribuzione massiva e gratuita delle...

  • A Dhaka, le Missionarie dell’Immacolata sono presenti dal 1987, primariamente con attivita’ specificatamente correlate con la vitalità della nostra Provincia: formazione dei nuovi membri, formazione permanente delle suore, amministrazione e gestione della Provincia. Inoltre le suore si inseriscono in diverse attività pastorali in parrocchia e diocesi. Viste però le necessità e le richieste...

  • We, Missionaries Sisters of the Immaculate have been in Hammam Lif, a town of 40,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Tunis, about 20 km south of the capital, for just over four years. The living conditions of the people, apart from some wealthy families, are very discreet and many live day by day with small occasional jobs. There are many who are without work, mainly young people who, because of t...

  • Donate and Install a solar street light The “Lumalama” project was born as the result of an anthropological research realized by the contribution of the population of the Catholic communities of the Island of Kiriwina, where, the missionary sisters of the Immaculate are working from 2000. The following project was drawn up with the active participation of the various representatives of the vil...

  • The Formation Center Sr. Rita Cavenaghi (CENFIRC), is located in a reality of social vulnerability, where there are several poor communities from the outskirts of Sao Paulo in the neighborhoods of Vila Missionaria, Jardim Selma, Parque Primavera and Cidade Julia. Most children and adolescents who attend our Center – CENFIRC, live in slum houses, built in precarious and deprived conditions of san...

  • Ostello situato a Dhanjuri che ospita 130 ragazze appartenenti alle minoranze Santal e Orao ha bisogno di riparazioni alle tubature intasate per permettere alle ragazze di continuare ad usare le docce aperte.

  • A hospital with 20 beds for the admission of leprosy patients in the rural area of Mehendipara, India. We need your support to cure more patients.

  • The renovation project of the multi-sports ground aims to continue to offer a favorable space for the development of the children and teenagers, giving an integral formation for the people, entertainment and sports and awareness in view of an integral transformation of the community.

  • For more than 30 years we have been working in Guinea Bissau, is a small country in West Africa. The population is about 1,800,000 inhabitants of whom mostly shepherds, rice cultivators and fishermen. It was a Portuguese colony, one of the poorest and most underprivileged countries in the world. In fact, it is in the 168th position in the developing countries.

  • Three communities, three different ways of working with children, three different needs. The little handicapped children of Hassi Messaoud; The neighbourhood children of Algeri; The children whom we do not know but help them to grow at Mascara

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