If you wish to collaborate with us, you can sustain a project or sponsor a child through distant sponsorship. But in case you wish to help them from nearbyour mission you can join the Onlus “The Friends of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate” or you can join the MSI Lay Associates.
Bangladesh, Shoronkola, 2007
, Media, Photos, Photostory, Bangladesh
sr. Bruna De Col in 2007 in Bangladesh in Shoronkola - Bagerhat District, after a severe cyclone the missionaries went to various medical camps to see the situation of the families and give their help.
My true destiny- Jesus
, Media, Videos, Papua New Guinea
December 4, 2021 a red-letter day in my life because moved by the deepest sentiments of my heart to proclaim the Kingdom of God to all peoples, I pronounced my definitive ‘Yes’ to God and made my perpetual profession in my hometown parish ‘Holy Trinity’ Boregaina in the diocese of Port Moresby. The Holy Eucharist commenced with the sweet sound of the singing and spectacular entrance dance ...
Perpetual Profession
, Media, Photos, India
Sr. Ratnakumari Mallampalli and Sr. Alphonsa Thalari are seen pronouncing their perpetual Vows on 12 June 2022, at Vimala Niketan (Provincial house) Siliguri. The Solemn Eucharistic celebration was led by most Rev. Clement Tirkey, the Bishop of Jalpaiguri Diocese along with seven other priests.
Working in missionary press
, Media, Photostory, Italy
1947, Milan: sr. Albina, in front, producing cards for the benefactors; the sisters behind are packing the magazines to be dispatched for missionary animation. The parcels of magazines were delivered from PIME house to our community in Via Masaccio: here they were brought up and down the third floor (without a lift at that time!) were the offices were situated (at the first floor Mr. Villa was sti...
Missione is to leave – part 1
, Videos, Extraordinary Missionary Month
MsI destinated for the mission share their experience.
Everyday life in Monza 1945
, Media, Photos, Photostory
Community of Monza, everyday life: the sisters still wearing the first black veil, in the years 1945-1948.They are working preparing the yarn, learning to sow their own dress and the embroidery: this in view to be able to teach the women in the mission but also to earn something for the house in the difficult financial period after the second world war. This work continued till the 60es, when the ...
What I have I give you
, Media, Photos, India
With hearts full of love and gratitude to God, we the Province of Siliguri solemnly celebrated the perpetual commitment of our sisters Mary Srani Lakra and Monica Bhengra, on 22 April at 10.30, in Vimala Niketan, Siliguri . Tempestuous weather was a prelude which indeed led us to intense prayer prior to the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Called to be the light to the nation, the would-be final...
Gudivada 1968
, Media, Photostory, India
Gudivada School (India) 1968 R.C.M. School Gudivada (Roman Catholic Mission School, can be read on the board). The school of reeds and straw is very dark. So, sr. Serena takes class in the courtyard under the neem tree. We can see the presence of small girls (and not only boys!) in between the school benches.