- 01-10 Opening of the missionary month
- 06-10 Opening of the Synod for the Amazonia
- 07-10 Missionary rosary in Santa Maria Maggiore
- 19-10 Brasile: prayer vigil for the world mission day
- 20-10 World Mission Day. Brazil: national pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Aparecida
- 19/20-10 Milan: Incontra-MI > meeting of young people to live the mission together
- 26-10 Cameroon: prayer vigil for the closing of the extraordinary missionary month.
- 27-10 Cameroon: closing of the extraordinary missionary month.
MsI destinated for the mission share their experience.
Sara, “Giovani e Missione”, made a missionary experience in Sant Paul, Brazil.
MsI destinated for the mission share their experience.
The Golden Jubilarians of 12th batch share their old memories and express their gratitude to God.
In Sacrofano (Rome), where, the Church is the mission!
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Reflections, ItalyThe extraordinary missionary month embraces the universality of the Church. First of all, celebrating this month helped us to renew the missionary sense of our adherence of faith to Jesus Christ, faith freely received as a gift in Baptism.
How do you see your journey of 25 years? The group was given a paper with two photos and a question. The first photo was taken 25 years back on their First profession day which was held on 16 July 1995, at Amalapuram and the second photo was taken on 9 November 2019, the day they begun their preparations at Nirmala Niketan, Vijayawada. The question they were to reflect was: How do you see your Jou...
The Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019 as Pope Francis said truly jolted us and motivated us to be active in doing good. It also made us to feel noble to belong to such an exclusively missionary family, whose charism is: Living passion to proclaim Gods Kingdom to all peoples.
Journey of a Missionary Rosary
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Hyderabad - IndiaOne of the maiden initiatives of the Province to mark the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019 was the journey of a missionary rosary. A missionary rosary was circulated from one community to the next. This journey had begun on 1 November 2018 at Nirmala House, Secunderabad and was culminated on 30 October 2019, at the Parish Church in Secunderabad.
Spiccare il volo: la partenza
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Bangladesh, Italy, to leaveLA PARTENZA SI FONDA SULLE SPALLE DI CHI RESTA. Espose loro un’altra parabola, dicendo: “Il regno dei cieli è simile a un granello di senape, che un uomo prese e seminò nel suo campo. Esso è il più piccolo di tutti i semi ma, una volta cresciuto, è più grande delle altre piante dell’orto e diventa un albero, tanto che gli uccelli del cielo vengono a fare il nido fra i suoi ...
I am Sr. Suzanne Djebba. I come from Cameroon and I am 41 years old. I’ve been in Guinea Bissau as a Missionary for one and half a year. I live in the community of Bissau.
A course to be the “Church of the People”
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, intercultural living, ItalyIt is for the first time the Church of Milan organizes a course for the consecrated persons coming from other countries. This is an introductory course about the life and pastoral care of the Ambrosian Rite with regard to the consecrated life.
Sr. Daniela in Cameroon lives a new way of doing mission: to collaborate with the local church in the formation of the clergy and religious.
Reaching new frontiers
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Italy, New challengesIn Milan, Italy Province, the first meeting of MSI’s engaged in pastoral and charitable activities took place. Confrontation and reflection: two key words to be one apostolic body and to do together!
Fraternity in Bangladesh: more than estimate
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Bangladesh, FraternityThe experience of Sr. Annamaria Panza, a missionary in Bangladesh, in the light of the declaration on universal brotherhood of Pope Francis.
The missionary challenges in America
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Reflections, Brazil, New challengesSr. Regina, MdI in Brasile, riflette sulle sfide missionarie in America Latina a partire dal Congresso Missionario Americano (CAM) tenutosi in Bolivia nel luglio 2018.
Evangelization is love!
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, India, Love and serviceIn 1962 when Mother Clara Bellotti started the Leprosy centre at Vegavaram the Missionary Sisters entered one of the most difficult avenues of evangelization.
“Baptized and sent: The Church of Christ on a mission in the world“ Extraordinary Missionary Month 2019 “An extraordinary missionary month, why?”… “Where does it come from and why in 2019?”… “What we missionaries must do?” These are the questions to be asked with a person “who is inside” of this special event for October 2019: Fr. Fabrizio Meroni, PI...
At the service of immigrants
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, Cooperation, Dialog, Hospitality, Italy, Love and serviceMissione è accogliere, dialogare, collaborare. Sr. Giovanna Minardi, MSI, tells how the inter-congregational missionary community is born, which is at the service of migrants in Sicily. How did the idea of opening this community come about? The inter-congregational and mixed missionary community of which I am a member, has its origin in February 2013 when CIMI, (Conference of Missionary Institute...
POM: 40 years of foundation in Brasil
, Extraordinary missionary month 2019, Missionary life, BrazilOn 20th of November2018 with lots of gratitude to the Lord the Pontifical Missionary Works (POM) celebrated its 40 years of foundation for the synodal journey and communion until now.
The General Administrations of the Italian Missionary Institutes Nepi, August 5-12, 2018